Reusable shopping bags

When it comes to giveaways, you don’t need to make a big deal to attract customers. Most of the time, free stuff is free, and something as simple as a pencil or a fridge magnet will remain in your home for years as a reminder of your visit to the store. Brochures and business cards are useful, but they end up being trash. If you want your customers to think about your business regularly, choose long-lasting gifts like keychains, promotional water bottles, and reusable shopping bags.

Promotional gifts can also be given seasonally during specific holidays or promotional events, sent to newsletter subscribers, or handed out at the door or at the register as a thank you for visiting your store. For larger promotional gifts like backpacks or logoed wine glasses, consider in-store promotions like these: B. Give away a prize for every 100 people. The more you reward customers when they come, the more foot traffic you will see.

Just because window shopping is becoming less common doesn’t mean it’s still not important. Especially if your primary customer base is local, you want people driving by to see your business and know exactly what type of business you run. Many businesses rent buildings and don’t take the time to customize the exterior, so many potential customers walk by without even knowing it’s a place to visit.

You also don’t have to spend a corporate-level decoration budget to attract more visitors. A few little touches, such as a decorated sandwich board, some themed window displays, and a classy sign with your business’ name on it, are enough to attract curious passersby as they stroll down the high street. To differentiate yourself from your competitors, try choosing a unique theme or mascot to incorporate into your décor.

With holiday decorations flooding into stores at the beginning of fall (if not earlier!), businesses large and small are starting to think about the holidays much earlier than the actual holidays on their calendars. I know what you’re thinking. There’s a good reason for that. People want to feel prepared.

By the end of September 2016, 14% of Americans had already started their holiday shopping, and 1 million people had already completed their shopping list. Holiday retail sales in 2016 also increased 4% year over year, reaching $658.3 billion in November and December, the peak of the holiday season.