
Fear and Greed in the Market

Greed and Fear. Two Emotions that play a bigger factor in the success or failure of humans than any other emotion we experience. Both fear and greed refer to an intrinsic emotional state. Tens of Millions of dollars have been made and lost based on these 2 emotions alone. In trading, in business and in […]


What is Value Investing?

How does value investing work? Value investing is defined differently by various sources. Value investing, according to some, is an investment strategy that favors the acquisition of stocks with high dividend yields and low price-to-book ratios. Others assert that buying stocks with low P/E ratios is the only aspect of value investing. You may even […]


High Yield Investing

What exactly is meant by high yield? Since the introduction of the personal computer and the internet, high yield investing has taken on a whole new meaning. Anything with a monthly yield of more than 5% is considered high yield in the United States. According to an old proverb, the greater the yield, the greater […]


Getting Started With Investing

Introduction Historically, investing has been regarded as a minefield for the uninitiated and reserved for the wealthy. More and more people are beginning to realize the advantages of investing even modest sums as western living standards continue to rise. To assist you in getting started with investing, the purpose of this article is to examine […]


Investment Strategy

DO YOU SHOULD INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE? Yes, I would say. As a result, investing has grown in importance over time as the future of social security benefits is uncertain. People want to protect their futures in these difficult times, but they are aware that if they rely on the Social Security Benefit or, in […]


So What Is Money… Really

There is an aphorism that states “it’s not getting the right answer but asking the right question” that is crucial. Readers of this site are surely aware of blurbs like ‘real money’, ‘honest money’, ‘Fiat’ money, printed money, borrowed money… ad infinitum. Indeed, Aristotle named the desirable qualities of money; Money must be durable Money […]


7 Simple Tips For Investing Success

Although the straightforward fact of investing is that there is risk, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have great investing success without any risk? However, this risk can be minimized with a plan, knowledge, and experience over time, and the end result is a very effective way to achieve your financial goals. The kind of plan […]


Investment Guide

What should the goal of investment be? Investment is one method that can guarantee wealth and help you achieve your life’s financial objectives. Budgeting your expenses is the first thing you should do before you start investing. You will be aware of your spending pattern. Items over which you have control and those that make […]