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Business Marketing Methods

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Is Social Media Use a Part of Your Business to Business Marketing Plan?

If you’re in B2B marketing, you’ve probably already discussed the value of a B2B social media strategy for your business. Here are some common objections you’ve probably thought of: It’s expensive to maintain and has no impact on the bottom…

AI is going to change B2B marketing tactics in the future.

AI is revolutionizing B2B marketing by enabling personalized experiences, data-driven decisions, and more efficient targeting strategies. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing is becoming increasingly common. According to a January 2023 report by Statista, the AI ​​market in…

Is TikTok a good fit for B2B marketing?

As we found in our B2B Digital Ad Spending Forecast 2023 report, B2B marketers are increasingly targeting younger, digitally savvy users on social media platforms. According to our forecasts, LinkedIn and Meta will together account for 42.2% of US B2B…

How B2B client relationships are improved by loyalty strategies | Sponsored Content

“Loyalty strategies are very effective at actively disrupting the B2B sales cycle through direct interactions between customers and indirect partners,” said Kristin Cardona, senior director of strategy at Ansira. These touchpoints help drive loyalty beyond the mechanics of the program…


B2B marketing is a powerful tool for companies looking to increase sales and generate new business. There is no doubt that the process of digital transformation of companies is accelerating. New consumption habits have given birth to countless business consumers…

Four Techniques for B2B Marketers to Boost ROI in the Downturn in the Economy

As the economy slows, B2B marketers are facing longer sales cycles, smaller deal sizes, and customer churn. As if that wasn’t enough, many companies are cutting back on marketing spend. With this in mind, CMOs can see significant short-term improvements…

Social media’s role in business-to-business marketing

One of the great benefits of Dusted’s new Elevate brand and digital benchmarking tool is that it provides us and our clients with fascinating insights into the performance of leading B2B companies in specialized fields related to brand and digital…

Boosting B2B Sales’ Marketing Department

More and more B2B companies are looking for ways to leverage marketing technology (martech) to enhance their go-to-market activities. Our experience with recent projects has shown that companies that implement demand centers and successfully integrate their marketing, sales, and service…

How do you outline the objectives and scope of a project including business process automation?

Identify the problem The first step is to identify the problem or pain point you want to solve with BPA. What is the current status of the process? How does it impact your business performance, customer experience, and employee satisfaction?…

What are the newest developments in HR for small businesses?

Remote Work and Flexibility One of the most important trends in small business HR is the rise of remote work. More employees are seeking the opportunity to work from home or anywhere, as long as they can deliver results and…