Small business owners may struggle with how to balance profit and social responsibility. You want to make money, but you also care about the environmental, social, and ethical impact of your company. How can you achieve both without compromising your values or your bottom line? Here are some tips to help find the right balance […]
small business
How can CSR help small firms draw in and keep talent?
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not only good for the planet and society, it’s also good for small businesses. CSR refers to the ethical and sustainable practices a company undertakes to positively impact the environment, customers, employees, and communities. In this article, you will learn how CSR can help attract and retain talent, one of […]
How do you evaluate the operations and performance of your company using a value chain analysis?
A value chain analysis is a tool that helps you identify and evaluate the activities that create value for your customers and stakeholders. By examining how you transform inputs into outputs, you can find ways to improve your efficiency, quality, differentiation, and competitive advantage. In this article, you will learn how to conduct a value […]
Which instruments and techniques work best for defining and verifying your business problem?
A problem statement is a clear and concise description of the problem or gap your company wants to solve for your customers. It helps define the scope, goals, and value proposition of your product or service. Creating a problem statement is an important step in the business planning process because it guides your research, design, […]
Do you support your marketing plan with evidence?
Are you validating your marketing strategy? If not, you could be wasting time, money, and resources on campaigns that aren’t producing the desired results. Validation means checking assumptions, measuring performance, and learning from feedback. This helps avoid common pitfalls such as: B. Targeting the wrong target group, using the wrong channel, or offering the wrong […]
How do you rank investments and strategic business units?
How do you prioritize strategic business units and investments? This is an important question for marketers who want to effectively allocate resources and maximize profits. In this article, you’ll learn about four common marketing strategy frameworks that can help you analyze and rank business areas and investment opportunities. You will also learn how to apply […]
How can owners of small businesses convey the importance of risk management and backup plans?
Risk management and contingency planning are essential for any small business, especially during times of uncertainty. However, effectively communicating these plans to stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, and investors can be difficult. How can you communicate potential risks and the actions to take to mitigate them without causing panic, confusion or loss of confidence? […]
In the social media sector, how can small firms use forecasting tools to boost revenue?
Forecasting uses historical data, trends, and assumptions to predict future outcomes and scenarios. It helps small and medium-sized businesses plan ahead, optimize resources, and take advantage of new opportunities in the social media industry. In this article, you will learn how to increase your sales and expand your online presence using popular forecasting tools and […]
In your business creation process, how do you handle objections and rejection?
Rejections and objections are an inevitable part of the business development process. When contacting potential customers, providing services, or negotiating deals, you may encounter some form of resistance or feedback. How you handle these situations can have a huge impact on your chances of success. In this article, you will learn practical tips and strategies […]
What are the essential steps in developing a corporate development strategy that is grounded in analysis and market research?
Business development is the process of identifying, pursuing, and creating new opportunities for business growth and value creation. This includes understanding your market, customers, competitors, and partners and developing strategies and tactics to achieve your goals. But how do you create a business development strategy based on market research and analysis? Here are the main […]