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Business Marketing Methods


How to Make Sure Your B2B Marketing Communications Connect With Your Target

Discover strategies to overcome the “curse of knowledge” and find the ideal writing partner in the dynamic world of B2B communications. From simplifying jargon to cultivating strong relationships, this article provides leaders with the tools to craft persuasive messages that…

Four Techniques for B2B Marketers to Boost ROI in the Downturn in the Economy

As the economy slows, B2B marketers are facing longer sales cycles, smaller deal sizes, and customer churn. As if that wasn’t enough, many companies are cutting back on marketing spend. With this in mind, CMOs can see significant short-term improvements…

The Most Effective B2B Marketing Approach to Boost Leads

1. Build your brand The most effective way to market your business and achieve long-term growth is to build a brand. This knowledge comes directly from LinkedIn’s B2B Institute. Over time, building a strong brand has proven to be more…

Advice for Employing B2B Marketers for Your Business

Companies looking to market their solutions in a B2B environment face unique challenges that differ from a B2C environment. While B2C marketing focuses on quick solutions and fun content, B2B marketing focuses on building long-term relationships and proving the return…

Social media’s role in business-to-business marketing

One of the great benefits of Dusted’s new Elevate brand and digital benchmarking tool is that it provides us and our clients with fascinating insights into the performance of leading B2B companies in specialized fields related to brand and digital…

B2B Content Marketing: What Is It?

Did you know that 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing in their marketing strategy? It doesn’t matter if you work in B2B or B2C marketing. Your goal is always to connect with potential customers in the most efficient way…

How can you improve your connections at work by engaging in active listening?

Active listening is an invaluable skill in any workplace, leading to greater understanding, trust, and collaboration among colleagues. This involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding the speaker’s message, giving feedback, and retaining information. Developing this skill can improve work…

What are the advantages of promoting your B2B podcast using email marketing?

If you run a B2B podcast, you might be wondering how you can reach more listeners and generate more leads. One of the most effective ways to do this is through email marketing. Not only is email marketing a powerful…

Which low-cost, high-impact experiments could you run to test your B2B offering in a new market niche?

If you have a B2B product or service you want to launch in a new niche market, you may be wondering how to validate your hypotheses and find the best solution. By testing and experimenting with new niche ideas, you…

What role do testimonials and social proof play in your B2B value proposition?

Social proof and testimonials are powerful ways to strengthen your B2B value proposition and convince potential customers to trust you and buy from you. But how do you use them effectively in your marketing messages and materials? In this article,…