What makes you stand out this holiday season?

When it comes to business strategy for small businesses, it’s the unique aspects of your business that make the biggest difference. What do your competitors not offer? What makes you stand out this holiday season? Discuss these strategies with your team and see how you can grow your business by applying and making them work. Decide. Stock up on custom-made items now to get you through the holiday season and the days of Christmas shopping that follow.

Customers want a personal experience when shopping, whether online or in person. What measures are you currently taking to meet the specific needs and desires of your target group? How can you make it personal for them? According to a study conducted by Infosys, 86% of shoppers say marketing personalization has at least some influence on what they buy, and 25% say personalization has a great influence on what they buy.

The answer is yes. This is a large portion of customers you may be missing out on simply because you’re not adding a personal touch to your small business marketing. please do not worry. You can fix this problem and update your strategy in time for the busiest shopping day of the year.

Before launching your next marketing campaign, think about who you want to engage with. Identifying the audience that you think will find value in your product will help you position messages that speak directly to them.

For example, if you’re in the salon business, one of your target users might be stressed parents who need to make time for themselves during the busy year-end period. Or, if you’re selling insurance, your message might be aimed at parents who want to protect their families.

Think in terms of providing an answer to a question or a solution to a problem, not in terms of buying or selling. If you put aside the “business” side for a moment and focus on your customer’s needs, you’ll find that a personalized marketing strategy becomes more natural. Here are some ideas to get you started.