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How to Promote to an Organization’s Five Types of B2B Buyers

51% of B2B marketers planned to spend more on marketing last year. Increasing marketing spend is one tactic to grow your business, but better targeting can be just as effective, if not more so. To do this, you need to accurately identify each type of B2B buyer in your company and understand that while each […]

B2B Marketing Bitcoin Cryptocurrency finance Forex Trading Marketing small business success Trade

Three Approaches to Address the Shifts in the B2B Purchase Process

In turbulent times, many things change, especially how we approach decision-making processes. Companies that have based their internal processes on how key decisions have been made for decades were forced to make fundamental changes during a global health crisis as standards seemed to shift almost monthly. And when those decisions also affect purchasing, things get […]

B2B Marketing Bitcoin finance Forex Trading Investing Marketing small business success Trade

Four Ways to Inject Some Fun Into B2B Marketing

Even the best B2B marketing can quickly become forgettable and boring. Don’t let your company’s B2B efforts falter and revitalize them with four proven strategies. Traditional B2B marketing content is data-rich and insightful, but it often lacks character. When was the last time you heard someone describe a white paper as “inspiring” or a case […]

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Elevate Your Industrial B2B Marketing to a Third Dimension

The industrial buying process has evolved. Customers (architects, engineers, designers, contractors) design their products using 3D CAD (computer-aided design). They search online for parts and components to incorporate into their designs. By the time you get there, your part either doesn’t meet their design specifications or they’ve already completed their evaluation and chosen one of […]

B2B Marketing Bitcoin Cryptocurrency finance Forex Trading Investing Marketing small business success Trade

Techniques and advice to increase B2B client retention

Use Marketing and Customer Loyalty to Your Advantage Editor’s Note: Sara Melefsky is the Director of Digital Marketing at WayPoint Marketing Communications. This is an edited version of an article originally published under the title “Marketing Strategies to Improve B2B Customer Retention Success.” It’s safe to say that you want your business to be more […]

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B2B Email Marketing Expertise: Craft Results-Driven Campaigns

B2B email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience, nurture leads, and drive conversions. A well-executed email marketing campaign can have a significant impact on your bottom line, but it’s important to develop a strategic approach to succeed. This comprehensive guide will break down B2B email marketing best practices […]

B2B Marketing Bitcoin Cryptocurrency finance Forex Trading Investing Marketing small business success Trade

Three things B2B marketers should know about generative AI by 2024

“Large-scale language models have become more powerful and sophisticated in the last year,” said our analyst Kelsey Voss during our 2024 B2B Marketing Trends webinar. “Generative AI (gen AI) will drive a renewed focus on brand reputation, an increased need for data quality and reliability, and an increased desire for human interaction, such as B. […]

B2B Marketing Bitcoin Cryptocurrency finance Forex Trading Investing Marketing small business success Trade

Best B2B Marketing Techniques for SaaS Companies

Effective B2B marketing for SaaS companies can be very different from traditional organizations, but some strategies apply across the board. SaaS companies fill a niche by providing subscription services that businesses need online. Most brands use at least one SaaS company for email automation, customer management, and other purposes. But while SaaS companies help business […]

B2B Marketing Bitcoin Cryptocurrency finance Forex Trading Investing Marketing small business success Trade

Three Approaches to Address the Shifts in the B2B Purchase Process

In turbulent times, many things change, especially how we approach decision-making processes. Companies that have based their internal processes on how key decisions have been made for decades were forced to make fundamental changes during a global health crisis as standards seemed to shift almost monthly. And when those decisions also affect purchases, things get […]

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Four Techniques for B2B Marketers to Boost ROI in the Downturn in the Economy

As the economy slows, B2B marketers are faced with the challenge of managing longer sales cycles, declining deal values, and customer churn. If that wasn’t enough, many companies are making significant cuts to their marketing spend. With this in mind, CMOs can see significant short-term improvements that will help them weather the predicted downturn by […]