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Business Marketing Methods


How do you outline the objectives and scope of a project including business process automation?

Identify the problem The first step is to identify the problem or pain point you want to solve with BPA. What is the current status of the process? How does it impact your business performance, customer experience, and employee satisfaction?…

Which key performance indicators (KPIs) are relevant to business process automation?

Business process automation (BPA) is the use of technology to streamline and optimize repetitive, manual, or complex tasks. BPA can improve efficiency, accuracy, compliance, and customer satisfaction, among other things. But how do you measure the success of your BPA…

This is how a business relationship manager like you may succeed.

In a dynamic business world, the role of a business relationship manager (BRM) is critical to fostering strong partnerships and driving growth. This position requires a unique combination of skills and strategies to excel. As a BRM, your main goal…

Here’s how to improve small company negotiating communication.

Negotiation is the lifeblood of small business success, and effective communication is at its heart. When you’re sitting across from a potential partner, customer, or supplier, your ability to communicate and understand their needs can make or break the deal….

You’re finding it difficult to raise your small business’s SEO. Which tools for website analytics are useful?

Improving your small business’ search engine optimization (SEO) can be a difficult task, but it’s essential to increasing traffic and sales. One of the most important ways to improve your SEO is to use analytics tools to understand your website’s…

What happens if the size of your small business team is not appropriate?

Balancing a small business team can be a Goldilocks challenge. If it’s too large, you can suffer from excessive overhead. If it’s too small, you may miss an opportunity. It’s important to find the “just right” size for efficiency and…

How can one differentiate themselves and advance in a small business?

Standing out and securing promotion at a small business requires a unique approach compared to larger companies. With fewer layers of management and a more intimate work environment, your efforts and contributions will be more visible, but so will your…

If there are possible threats for your firm, what should you do?

When a small business encounters a potential risk, it’s like embarking on a stormy sea. The key is not to panic, but to act carefully and strategically. Whether it’s financial uncertainty, market competition or operational challenges, meeting these challenges head-on…

If the members of your small business team are not always learning and developing, what should you do?

As a small business owner, you know that the growth of your business is closely tied to the development of your team. But what happens when your team members can’t keep up with the pace of learning and growth needed…

Here are some tips for small business owners looking to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Small business owners are often pulled in different directions and must balance the demands of their business with the demands of their personal lives. The key to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and avoiding burnout is recognizing the value of…