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Business Marketing Methods

Business process management

How B2B client relationships are improved by loyalty strategies | Sponsored Content

“Loyalty strategies are very effective at actively disrupting the B2B sales cycle through direct interactions between customers and indirect partners,” said Kristin Cardona, senior director of strategy at Ansira. These touchpoints help drive loyalty beyond the mechanics of the program…


B2B marketing is a powerful tool for companies looking to increase sales and generate new business. There is no doubt that the process of digital transformation of companies is accelerating. New consumption habits have given birth to countless business consumers…


B2B marketing is a powerful tool for companies looking to increase sales and generate new business. There is no doubt that the process of digital transformation of companies is accelerating. New consumption habits have given birth to countless business consumers…

Four Techniques for B2B Marketers to Boost ROI in the Downturn in the Economy

As the economy slows, B2B marketers are facing longer sales cycles, smaller deal sizes, and customer churn. As if that wasn’t enough, many companies are cutting back on marketing spend. With this in mind, CMOs can see significant short-term improvements…

The Most Effective B2B Marketing Approach to Boost Leads

1. Build your brand The most effective way to market your business and achieve long-term growth is to build a brand. This knowledge comes directly from LinkedIn’s B2B Institute. Over time, building a strong brand has proven to be more…

How can you improve your connections at work by engaging in active listening?

Active listening is an invaluable skill in any workplace, leading to greater understanding, trust, and collaboration among colleagues. This involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding the speaker’s message, giving feedback, and retaining information. Developing this skill can improve work…

Which forms of online and offline promotion work best for your B2B event?

B2B events are a great way to showcase your products, services and expertise to potential customers, partners and influencers. But how do you ensure your event attracts the right audience, generates buzz and delivers value? Here are some of the…

How do you outline the objectives and scope of a project including business process automation?

Identify the problem The first step is to identify the problem or pain point you want to solve with BPA. What is the current status of the process? How does it impact your business performance, customer experience, and employee satisfaction?…

Which key performance indicators (KPIs) are relevant to business process automation?

Business process automation (BPA) is the use of technology to streamline and optimize repetitive, manual, or complex tasks. BPA can improve efficiency, accuracy, compliance, and customer satisfaction, among other things. But how do you measure the success of your BPA…

How can you enhance your B2B event experience using gamification and interactive content?

B2B events are a great way to connect with prospects, customers, and partners, but they can also be boring, predictable, and forgettable. How can you make your B2B event stand out and give your attendees an unforgettable experience? One way…