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Business Marketing Methods

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What instruments are available for data analysis in business services?

Business service data can provide valuable insights into the performance, efficiency and quality of your processes, products and customer interactions. However, to make sense of the large and complex data sets generated by business services, you need the right tools…

How can startup dilution and business valuation be made most effective?

As a founder, you want to grow your startup and attract investors, but you also want to avoid giving up too much equity and control. How to optimize startup dilution and company valuation? Here are some tips and strategies to…

How can you choose your investments and savings more wisely?

Saving and investing are essential to achieving your financial goals, whether it’s buying a home, starting a business, or retiring comfortably. But how can you make better decisions that align with your values, preferences, and risk tolerance? In this article,…

How can generative AI be used to produce original content for your company?

Creative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create new and original content from data, such as text, images, audio or video. It can help you create engaging and diverse content for your business, such as blog posts,…

How can your network be expanded to improve your chances of success?

Networking is one of the most essential skills for entrepreneurs because it can help you find new opportunities, customers, partners, advisors, and investors. However, many people have difficulty expanding their network beyond existing contacts or feel uncomfortable reaching out to…

How can digital and mobile payments be made to function across all platforms?

Mobile and digital payments are becoming increasingly popular and convenient, especially in the era of social distancing and online shopping. But how do you make sure your payment method is compatible across different platforms, devices, and services? In this article,…

How can a labor market intervention be tested?

Labor market interventions are policies or programs that aim to improve outcomes for workers and employers, such as wages, employment, productivity or skills. Examples of labor market interventions include minimum wage laws, training programs, subsidies or regulations. But how can…

How do you use narrative to highlight the benefits of your goods or services?

Storytelling is a powerful technique for convincing reluctant customers and overcoming their objections. In this article, you’ll learn how to create compelling stories that highlight the benefits, features, and emotions your product provides. Identify customer pain points Before telling a…

How can you make a business analysis portfolio that stands out?

As a business analyst, you know the importance of presenting your skills and accomplishments clearly and convincingly. But how can you create an outstanding business analytics portfolio to showcase your work and impress potential employers or clients? In this article,…

What typical pitfalls can business strategy mentors help you avoid?

Business strategy is the art and science of creating and implementing plans to achieve your goals and objectives in a competitive environment. However, this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and there are many common pitfalls that can derail your efforts…