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Why the Next Great Wave in Entrepreneurship Will Be B2B2C

The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought equality across the world. Businesses of all sizes and sectors have been severely affected. Governments around the world are putting together trillions of dollars of relief packages to keep businesses afloat. In these challenging times, there is a palpable feeling that businesses are relying on cooperation, not competition, to come through the crisis unscathed.

Companies in the B2B2C segment have always sought to support other businesses. During times like these, B2B2C companies can benefit from unprecedented growth opportunities. Here’s why B2B2C will spark the next big wave in entrepreneurship.

Urgent Need: Every Business Needs Help to Avoid Delays

Businesses need help now. For many businesses, the transition to a full work-from-home environment hasn’t been easy. Businesses that haven’t invested heavily in IT infrastructure or training will find that they urgently need functional support when it comes to supporting their end customers. Here, B2B2C companies have a key role to play in fulfilling functional roles, but companies are developing these skills in-house.

For example, retailers focused on traditional media advertising will soon need to pivot to a digital strategy and focus on social media and online advertising. Hiring a B2B2C communications company to handle digital marketing strategy and content is the best possible bridge while these functions are being built in-house.

Towards a collaborative business environment

Even when lockdowns and social distancing regulations are lifted, it is important to keep in mind that the post-COVID-19 business environment will be very different from before. Every company has different skills, different experiences, and different ways of approaching problems. A brute force approach worked before. If you don’t have the expertise in-house, you just invest in the people and resources you need and build that expertise from scratch. But this has led to a doubling of people, job roles, and effort across industries, with construction companies hiring social media staff and oil and gas companies investing in artificial intelligence.

With resources being limited across the board in today’s world, collaboration is the best answer for the future. Post-COVID-19, as companies face challenges they can’t address in-house, we expect many to turn to B2B2C solution providers to deliver agile, specialized solutions at lower costs.

Trust Walls and Identity

Before the pandemic, a big challenge for B2B2C companies was breaking down the trust barrier. A company’s brand and reputation – how it is perceived by its customers – are perhaps its most important assets. Many companies have been reluctant to work with B2B2C partners because they had no guarantee that the quality and approach would meet their brand standards. But now, companies around the world are facing a severe talent shortage in all sectors. Not all companies can switch to a purely digital working environment. In this situation, they often have to choose between working with a B2B2C partner or not offering their products or services at all. Companies are being forced to break through this trust barrier, and we’ve found that trusted B2B2C partners often offer high-quality solutions that meet the standards of the company and its customers.


Today, we live in a world of less. The global economy has come to a near standstill. In these challenging times, when companies are trying to support each other to survive, B2B2C offers companies a unique opportunity: to collaborate with other companies, build together, align skills, and create resilient partnerships that can withstand any black swan events.

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