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Business Marketing Methods

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B2B Content Marketing: What Is It?

Did you know that 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing in their marketing strategy? It doesn’t matter if you work in B2B or B2C marketing. Your goal is always to connect with potential customers in the most efficient way…

What role do testimonials and social proof play in your B2B value proposition?

Social proof and testimonials are powerful ways to strengthen your B2B value proposition and convince potential customers to trust you and buy from you. But how do you use them effectively in your marketing messages and materials? In this article,…

What is the perfect B2B buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on research and data from your existing customers. This will help her understand her customers’ needs, goals, challenges, and preferences and will be able to adjust her B2B…

Which low-cost, high-impact experiments could you run to test your B2B offering in a new market niche?

If you have a B2B product or service you want to launch in a new niche, you may be wondering how to test your hypotheses and find the best solution. By testing and experimenting with new niche ideas, you can…

How can you steer clear of typical B2B social media marketing errors and difficulties?

Social media isn’t just for B2C brands. B2B companies can benefit from interacting with prospects, customers, and partners on a variety of platforms. However, B2B social media marketing requires a different approach and strategy than B2C. In this article, you’ll…

Which B2B specialty marketing techniques work best for SaaS startups?

Niche marketing is a strategy that focuses on a specific customer segment with unique needs, preferences, or characteristics. It helps you differentiate from your competitors, increase customer loyalty, and optimize your marketing efforts. In this article, we will explore some…

A social media campaign for digital marketing is going to get underway. What should you think about first?

Starting a social media digital marketing campaign is an exciting and rewarding way to promote your brand, product, or service. But before you start posting, tweeting, and sharing, there are some important factors to consider that can make or break…

How can you express your gratitude to your mentor in digital marketing?

Digital marketing mentors can be a valuable source of guidance, feedback, and inspiration for anyone looking to learn and grow in this dynamic field. However, finding a good mentor is not enough. You should also express your gratitude for their…

How can your company benefit from diversity in digital marketing?

Diversity in digital marketing is not only a moral and social responsibility, but also a smart business strategy. In this article, you’ll learn how promoting diversity in your digital marketing team, content, and audience can benefit your business in many…

Which indicators work best for gauging growth in global markets?

If you’re a B2B marketer and you want to expand your business into new international markets, you need to measure your growth effectively. But how do you choose the right metrics and KPIs that reflect your goals, challenges, and opportunities…