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8 Principal Advantages of Email Marketing

Email marketing uses email to build relationships with your audience. With the right communication flow, you can send relevant information and convert leads into customers.

People interested in your product or service can join your list and, through email marketing communication, learn everything they need to know to make a purchasing decision.

By building your email list with your target audience (who can benefit from your product or service), you can be sure that email marketing will become an important source of income. for your business.

Here are 8 of the top benefits that make email marketing the perfect choice for your digital marketing efforts.

1. Low cost

Let’s start with the most important aspect: how much does it cost?

To run professional email marketing campaigns, all you need is a basic strategy and the right tools that allow you to experiment with a variety of tactics.

There are many professional email marketing software (MailChimp, Benchmark, Sendinblue, Mailerlite, etc.). They offer different plans depending on the size of your list (number of subscribers). The service is fully extensible. You can use the basic plan to start building your contact list, sell products, and upgrade to more advanced plans as your online income grows.

2. Full control

You have full control over your communications.
You can:

– Design your content (e.g. web forms, emails and landing pages). – Decide what type of campaign you run.
– Segment users for better live efforts and achieve better personalization.
Plan your communications carefully to reflect your brand identity and stand out from other businesses in your customers’ inboxes.

3. Accuracy

As you build your list organically, ask people to confirm subscriptions. This way, you know your contacts want to receive emails from your brand, which means you’re targeting people who are genuinely interested in your offer. This listing is considered high quality and is likely to yield better trading results.

You can run A/B tests, track stats, and monitor the results of your campaigns in real time. Based on the information gathered, you can make small changes (for example, layout, copy, structure, or workflow) and optimize your digital marketing program.

4. Easy to use

Creating an email marketing campaign is very simple. You can design your templates, just drag and drop, no need to code! And if design isn’t your thing, you can use ready-made templates to set up your campaign.

5. Preferred marketing medium

According to the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), most people prefer companies to contact them via email over other channels.

Survey results make perfect sense because well-designed email marketing campaigns are relevant and non-intrusive – emails wait in the inbox and subscribers decide when to open and read them. And if they don’t want to receive content anymore, they can unsubscribe with just a few clicks.

According to marketing guru Seth Godin, permission marketing means the privilege (not the right) to pre-deliver tailored, personalized messages to customers who actually want to receive them.

6. Can reach mobile users

The percentage of emails opened on mobile devices continues to increase. According to the Benchmark report, opens through desktop accounts account for 45.69%, followed by mobile opens with 34.31%. This means you can reach your customers and influence their purchasing decisions wherever you are. You can also integrate your marketing online and offline, for example, by collecting email addresses at events or when shopping at a physical location.

7. Email is its own medium.

Digital marketing strategies are divided into paid, earned, and owned mediums. Emails fall under the exclusive media category (unless we’re talking about sponsored emails). This means that your business has full control over this online marketing channel.

In fact, over time, your email list becomes your biggest online marketing asset – a huge database of people who want to know about your brand.

8. Targeted and personalized communication

You may collect relevant information from your contacts during the registration process and use that information to tailor communications to your needs and preferences. Based on the data, you can create segments of people who share similar characteristics.

Your subscribers will stay on your list as long as they see value in your communication; So over time you can build a huge mailing list that generates great revenue.

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